Thursday 2 August 2012

White Pine: More Like White Fine!

Yesterday, we were blessed with some gorgeous sunny weather so my friends invited me to come along to the floating docks at White Pine Beach. It's on Sasamat Lake: green and serene. The beach is often very busy, but the floating docks across the lake are more of a well-kept secret. We arrived to find only a handful of people on each of the two docks. My friends don't want me to share the location of the docks so it stays less crowded. (EDIT: I got called out for the stealth tip I provided, so it looks like you'll have to find it yourself).

The water is cool and inviting; there's no beach so you dive right into the deep. After swimming you can sun yourself on the concrete dock (bring a blanket to protect your poor back and knees). 

We also played Anomia, a Mensa-approved card game. It get's its name from Anomic apashia: a severe inability to recall words or names. You flip cards from the middle deck away from you, and if your card matches another player's you quickly yell out the person, place, or thing on their card. For example, if my card says "Breakfast Food" and their card says "Business Mogul", I would try to yell out "Donald Trump!" before they shouted "waffles!" (when a music card came up, I shouted "baroque" and everyone was like, "niiiiiice". It was a proud moment for me.) There's wild cards too, making the game more complicated. It's really fun with 4 or more players. 

Here's some pictures of the scenery of White Pine. Lovely.

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